Free Motorcycle!

The words Free Motorcycle are like a dream come true, so how did it happen and did my dream come true?!
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What happened!
I was only supposed to be going for a walk around the block with Giacomo and Charlie…..but 10 minutes later I came home with another motorcycle!
Just around the corner, leaned up again a tree I found a motorbike with a ‘Free’ sign on it!!!
Seeing a sign like that against a motorcycle was like a dream come true – now the rusty Yamaha is back at my place and I’m inspecting it closer, this could soon turn out to be a nightmare.
It was the fact it was ‘FREE” that made me take it but I am a Yorkshireman and don’t like to see anything go to waste.
I’ve no idea what year this bike is but its suffered from a hard life – the engine is locked solid, both tires are flat, the seat looks like a big piece of cheese and you’d better of had a fresh Tetanus shot before touching anything…
Well, it is mine now….one man’s give-away junk is…. another man’s junk…..
There are many questions going through my mind…Will it ever run again??? Is the engine totally finished?? What the hell happened to this poor machine??? Is it junk??? If so, how long will it burn for???…. We’ll soon find out.